Thursday, July 9, 2009

Immortalize your favorite celebrities, poorly.

I was unaware someone could make Bob Barker look even older than he is...but consider me aware now.So you're thinking about making a life-altering decision and jamming some inked-up needles into your body, eh? Well before you make that plunge, hop online and pick out some temporary tattoo paper for a standard ink-jet printer. You can get a taste for what the tattoo will look like when the real deal has bloodied up your now-toned but soon-to-be-flabby bicep. And since, by some crazy scheme to turn a profit, the paper comes in packages containing more than just one sheet of the stuff, you're going to have enough paper for several experimental tattoos, all of which can and should be used for very ridiculous purposes.

I figured I'd take a moment to scour the net for my favorite of the ridiculous, no-foresight-whatsoever tattoos: the celebrity headshot. Unless the celebrity is a blood relative of yours, there's a good chance he/she will embark on a terrible downward spiral in his/her career, likely inflicting shame on all of those who decided their lives wouldn't be complete unless they captured the iconic image of some complete stranger they worshiped for a couple years during college.

Here are my picks of the litter (and you can decide if I'm using the term "litter" as in a group of newborn puppies or garbage on the side of the road):

Once the boss, always the boss, although personally I would have gotten the picture of him sliding into home plate like in the opening credits.

Yes, that's Tay Zonday. Anybody? Anybody? The "Chocolate Rain" guy. Yeah. I know.

"Alex, I'll take 'Scott Baio as a black guy' for $400 please."

Oh, sure it SAYS 'Clay Aiken', but we all know it's just a hybrid image of Clay, Thom Yorke, Dana Carvey and that weird artsy kid on 'Wedding Crashers.'

I'm actually a little jealous of this one.

Interesting placement...I have a feeling that on any given night, Willy Wonka appears to be giving this dude a BJ.

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