Wednesday, July 1, 2009

One-man dance revolution.

Watch this.

Ok seriously, did you watch it? Make sure you watched it up until at least the 1:15 mark, when all hell breaks loose. For the life of me, I can't comprehend how that snowballed. I mean, I know people are sheep and will follow what other people are doing blindly...but was the one man dancing giving out samples of whatever amazingly powerful dance-drug he was on? Is that what caused the bum-rush?

I think this is the most motivational non-Tony Robbins ("Banana Hands" from Shallow Hal) video ever made. It clearly shows the power of one. One man can climb a mountain. One man can blow up that mountain with the right explosives. One man can do a lot of good and bad shit with his time. I'd like to quickly point out that I'm not sexist, it's just easier to use the cliche "man" than be politically correct all of the time. In fact, ladies are even more powerful to be honest. It took over a full minute to get more than one person to dance with senor squirmy-pants in that video! If that was a scantily clad female, I'm calling 15 seconds max.

Regardless of gender, use your power of one, make a difference in the world, and dance your fucking dance all over the side of your metaphorical grassy hill until the whole place is jumping like House Party, or possibly House Party 2.

And see this movie: Food, Inc.

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