Monday, June 15, 2009

Duct tape yourself silly.

After the prom, his plans for sexing up his date were ruined when it took 18 minutes to get his pants off. She grew tired and went home.I was unaware how popular it is to make things out of duct tape. I knew about duct-tape wallets. I'd seen duct tape neck ties. But full tuxedos? Evening gowns? Automobiles? Apparently there are no creative limits when people get their hands on some quacktastic adhesives (and yes I know it's "duct" and not "duck", but guess what smartass, the tape WAS originally called "duck" tape because water rolled off it like water off a duck's back. Suck it.).

So what can you do with duct tape that has never been done before? Probably nothing. You're just not that clever. Duct tape iPod cover? Done. Duct tape diaper? Unfortunately, done. Duct tape sex toy? Come on, do you really think a lonely high schooler hasn't figured that one out yet? Some greasy teen has probably made an entire woman out of duct tape. I believe the punchline to this joke is that the tape is now sticky on both sides. Ba-dum-bum.

But that's the joy of duct can mimic someone else, and you're still within a fraction of a percentage of the population who's ever even considered making things with the duckie. Plagarize all you's still well worth your time. I'm thinking about a duct tape hammock myself...and...a quick Google confirms it, I too am unoriginal: Duct Tape Hammock instructions.

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