Thursday, June 4, 2009

Put Sunglasses On A Goat

(Specifically, this goat.)
Monday morning at the office:
You: Hey fellas, what did you do last weekend?
Co-workers: Dude, we got fucking wasted, it was badass bro. What about you?
You: Myself and a couple of friends drove out to a farm and put sunglasses on a goat.
Co-workers: (silence)
You: Seriously. Out in the country. Sunglasses on a goat. Don't worry, I've got pictures.

This is where legends are born. This is where memories are made. Not in bars, not on couches, not in cubicles. No, no no. It happens on farms, putting sunglasses on goats. Think of this as the metaphor to live by. In fact, start using the phrase "Put Sunglasses On A Goat" in exchange of "think outside of the box," because if you're still using the phrase "think outside of the box," you're not really thinking outside of the box at all, now are you? Also, say "Put Sunglasses On A Goat" often because I like the recognition and if I could ever coin a phrase, I'm pretty sure nothing would bring more honor to my family's name that seeing "He Put Sunglasses On A Goat" right there on my tombstone.

With this being the inaugural entry for my first ever blog (hello ladies!), I'd like to lay the groundwork for what it's all about.

Here's you on a Tuesday afternoon: "I'm soooo bored! I want to go out and drink but I'm soooo poor. I'm tired of watching's soooo boring. Let's doooo something."

Here's me: "Why don't you do something random, that doesn't have to make any sense. Maybe it's something you'll get laughed at for. Maybe it's something that you could potentially hurt yourself doing (and if so I'd like to point out at this time that I claim no legal responsibility for you doing anything you read on here, because come on now, I don't have any money anyway). Open up your brain and do something unique! Be creative!"

Here's you: "But I don't knoooooow what to do!"

Here's me: "Why don't you go put sunglasses on a goat."

And that's what this blog is about. Expect more suggestions on how to spend your free time, in manners that may or may not protect goats from ultraviolet rays.

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