Wednesday, June 24, 2009

You look like a celebrity.

Sometimes you don't want to look like a celebrity.For this activity, you'll need:
  • A friend or two
  • A car
  • A mall
  • Balls, in the metaphorical sense.
Get in the car with the friend or two, drive to the mall, and take out the aforementioned "balls". Have a list of celebrities that people would probably not enjoy being told they resemble. Kirstie Alley (pictured above) would likely not be flattering. The trick is to find someone that looks NOTHING like the celebrity - the more ridiculous, the better. It goes something like this:

You: "Hey...excuse me...holy shit, it's Amy Winehouse!"

Stranger: "Huh? I'm not Amy Winehouse...I'm a dude. WTF?"

You: "Oh, I'm so sorry. But seriously, wow, you could have totally fooled me." (friend conveniently passing by) "Excuse me, who does this person look like?"

Friend: "No waaaayyy!! Amy Winehouse! Hold up, let me get a picture with you!"

In the meantime, if you've brought another friend with you, that friend is currently wrangling up shoppers at the mall who look like they might participate, telling them to walk over to the stranger and ask for photos, autographs, or in the case of Amy Winehouse look-alikes, cocaine.

Other potential celebrities:
  • Artie Lange (the fat guy from MadTV and the Howard Stern show)
  • Will Ferrell doing an impression of Janet Reno
  • Flavor Flav
  • Renee Zellweger without makeup
  • Clint Howard (I didn't know him by name either...he was in Austin here)
Have fun at the mall. Video capturing encouraged.

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