Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Realizing that writing a new blog entry every day is going to be a challenge, I'd like to introduce my first installment of my boredom-busting "Quickies". They're simply random ideas of things to do that I was too lazy too expand upon, or I just didn't know where the hell to go with them. If I get desperate, I may some day come back to these for full entries.

1. Dress up like Colonel Sanders, walk into KFC talking like Foghorn Leghorn exclaiming that "You, I say, you kids are fuckin' up my recipe."

2. Walk onto a bus, walk all the way to the person sitting furthest in the back, give them a high five, immediately exit the bus.

3. Plan an outdoor activity on a sunny day, wear tube socks up to your mid-upper arm and some headbands around your neck, giving yourself a reverse-farmer's tan.

4. Wear a cummerbund to the grocery store.

5. "Caddyshack" a public swimming pool with a Baby Ruth.

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